Tuesday, August 23, 2016

My Chores

Here's a typical day of chores for me:
My first two chores are to water the dogs and feed and water the ducks. Then I fill up some water buckets and water the chickens in the coop and feed them. I have to milk and feed 3 goats, which is my least favorite thing to do. The fun part about it is that I can squirt the milk into the dog's mouth.
When I am finished with the goats I water the horses. Then I give our horse, Cicero, some grain and hay.

I like to do the animals when no one else is around, I like to hear the morning birds sing and I like to listen and watch the animals.  Oh I almost forgot I have to do my school too.

In the evening I have to work with Cicero and do some ground work with Whisper. Whisper is our yearling horse that I work with. That is always fun to do. Then if I feel up to it I will teach Whisper or Tigger a new trick.
                                           This is me and Whisper doing some ground work

This is Tigger and me doing a new trick

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