Friday, August 26, 2016

The Start of My Budgies

My Two Budgies:

My 2 budgies are Ace and Jule. Ace is 8 months old and is an English Budgie part parakeet. Jule is 11 months old and is the same breed as Ace. I got them at Pet Havens Pet Store. My sister surprised by buying Ace. Later  on we were out of town and my sister surprised me with Jule. My sister new I was wanting a female budgie, because she new I wanted to mate them and have baby budgies. I was so happy to see a female budgie in the cage with Ace. Today Ace and Jule are living happily together with each other.

My first time I ever saw a budgie was at a zoo. And I told my Mom and Dad I wanted one for Christmas or my birthday.

They said, "No, we have too many animals."

And I just had to have one so I told them I did not want anything for Christmas but a budgie. Then one day my mom texted my dad and asked what they were going to get me for Christmas. My dad texted back and said, "The budgie thing is starting to grow on me."

So my mom and I took Zeke to basketball practice while we  were going to pick up Christmas ornaments. I thought that was funny because we never go out to by Christmas ornaments. As we were driving, my mom turned into a pet shop and I was like, "Wait a minute, am I getting a budgie?"

My mom smiled and said yes.  So that is how I got my first budgie, Blazin' Blue.

Blue was a very good bird. I will never forget him as long as I live. Blue was a very well trained budgie and would never ever bite, he would let me do anything to him.  Unfortunately, he flew out the door one day and I never saw him again.  I was devastated.

But thanks to my sister, she bought me Ace and Jule.
This is Jule

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

My Chores

Here's a typical day of chores for me:
My first two chores are to water the dogs and feed and water the ducks. Then I fill up some water buckets and water the chickens in the coop and feed them. I have to milk and feed 3 goats, which is my least favorite thing to do. The fun part about it is that I can squirt the milk into the dog's mouth.
When I am finished with the goats I water the horses. Then I give our horse, Cicero, some grain and hay.

I like to do the animals when no one else is around, I like to hear the morning birds sing and I like to listen and watch the animals.  Oh I almost forgot I have to do my school too.

In the evening I have to work with Cicero and do some ground work with Whisper. Whisper is our yearling horse that I work with. That is always fun to do. Then if I feel up to it I will teach Whisper or Tigger a new trick.
                                           This is me and Whisper doing some ground work

This is Tigger and me doing a new trick

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

My Little Sister

Today I will write about my little sister Eliana.

My Dad was just finishing our night  devotions and he pulled out a baby picture, and said "Who is this?

I said, "Is it mom?"

 He said with a smile, "It is a part of mom."

So we all had our guesses, and then my little brother R.J. said, "Are you going to have a baby?"

My Mom and Dad smiled at each other, and they said "Yes."

I was so excited to here this news!

My Mom want to the hospital to get a ultrasound. When my Mom came back she said, "Are you ready to here the news?"

We where all like YES let's here the news! Then my Mom said, "The baby is most likely a.....


My sister and I looked at each other and screamed!
Now you see I have 3 brothers; one older, and two younger.

So I was really excited to hear this news.

Months want by, and then the day came. My brothers stayed home, I wish I could have gone but I had to stay home with the boys. My older brother told me to get the phone to see if anything had happened and if they sent any pictures. That's when I saw my little sister for the first time.

Now I have been holding her as much as I can. In my eyes and my family's eyes Eliana couldn't be more perfect.

The Lord has really blessed my family.