Thursday, March 30, 2017

How to Raise Chickens for Beginners

So you want to know how to raise chickens? We are going to start from the beginning. Let's get started! 

My Mama has taught me everything I know. But I have picked up a thing or two on my own.

I have always liked chickens, but couldn't call them my own, I always wanted to. I mean, I always had to take care of our new chicks that would come in and I would claim one as mine. But I always wanted to get some of my own and start a business with chickens. So here I am.

Let's start with raising chicks.

The chickens that I have are all rare. When these chicks have chicks I will sell them.

This is what you will need:

a heat lamp with a heat lamp light bulb,

a plastic tote and shavings,

a screw on waterier and a mason jar,

and a feeder.

You can find everything at Tractor Supply, except for the plastic tote, that you can find at Walmart. You could use a card board box instead of a plastic tote, but I like to get new things.  Now all we need is the chicks. Get all of this ready before you get the chicks so when you get them everything will be all set up and ready to go so the chicks will not have wait in the cold.

When you put the waterer in you will need to put it on top of something and not on the shavings. Because the shavings will get in the waterer and that would be one messy waterer.

Of course, you need starter feed for them too.  Whether you get medicated or nonmedicated feed is up to you.  Once you get this all set up, your chicks are ready for their new home.  I like to keep them in the house for the first week or two so I can keep a close watch on them.

These are the basic needs of raising chicks.  It is really quite simple!